

School Hours

The expected arrival time at school is from 8.30am. onwards. Children who on occasion arrive early, need to wait at the entrances until 8.30am or on veranda in front of the Library entrance. 

8.50am Mon & Friday - Assembly
                Tue/Wed/Thu - Fitness 

9.00am Session One

9.30am Brain Food

9.40am Session 2

11.00am Morning Tea 

11.20am Session Three 

1.00pm Lunch

1.50pm Classroom Duties

2.00pm Session 4 Commences

2.50pm To Bus Assembly areas

This programme varies slightly depending on classroom needs and programmes.


Office Hours

Monday - Friday  8.30am - 3.00pm


End of day procedure

We have a very good system at the end of the day to ensure children meet their expected destination.  Please make sure that the school is notified directly of any changes from the normal arrangement.  Otherwise bus students will be sent home on the bus if no message is received. To ensure safe practice, it is not sufficient for students to advise us of any changes.




Students must attend school regularly unless illness or special family circumstances prevent it.

An explanation of all absences is required. A phone call, message on the school answer phone or written note from parents/caregivers will suffice. After a period of three days of unexplained absences the Truancy Service is automatically notified. If a student is travelling overseas during term time, a written letter recording dates of absence is required.

If your child is not attending school on any given day you are required to notify the school on the  morning of their absence, giving the reason for their absence.
It is important that we know at the start of each school day the whereabouts of all children, to ensure their safety.

Report an Absence Here



An assembly is generally held Monday and Friday mornings at 8.50am to issue reminders, give important messages, announce birthday wishes, listen to student sports’ reports. It is important that children arrive at school on time for assembly.

Sharing and Merit Assemblies are scheduled usually on a Thursday (fortnightly) at 2.15pm throughout each term to celebrate student achievements.  Each class hosts the assembly and shares activities and experiences from classroom learning.  Teachers are invited to present merit awards.  House points are awarded, collected and accumulated to find a house winner at the end of term. Parents are invited to attend merit assemblies.
An annual sports assembly is held at the end of the winter season to acknowledge both children’s achievements, coaches & managers. 


Behaviour Management

We believe that through early intervention and parental co-operation, inappropriate student behaviour can be minimised.  An effective plan ensures that learning and social expectations are met. The plan is reviewed regularly, at least annually. The plan may not always work for some children but is designed to safeguard all children.

The Behaviour Management Procedure, Explanations and Behaviour Plan are included in the Appendices. 


Cycle Safety - (This is being reviewed)

We ask that parents/caregivers of cyclists teach their children to ride safely and ensure that they can:

  • control their bicycle well
  • know the road code
  • have developed a good ‘road sense’

before allowing them to bike to school. A letter is requested stating that permission is given, allowing your child to cycle to and from school. The accepted age of suitability for independent road riding is 10 years old.
Children are required by law to wear a NZ Standard’s Approved cycle helmet at all times when riding their bikes.
Cycles should be maintained in good order and checked thoroughly on a regular basis.


Concerns and Complaints Summary

In the case of a genuine concern or complaint about the curriculum or day to day management the following steps need to be followed. 

Step 1 Concern – Approach the classroom teacher. 
     Best Solution – Concern resolved by informal means 
Step 2 Concern Continues – Approach the Principal. 
     Best Solution – Concern resolved to everyone’s satisfaction by informal means 
Step 3 Dissatisfaction Continues –  a written complaint to be forwarded to the BOT an ‘Investigation Committee’ is set up to consider the complaint and
     Best Solution: - Committee finds lack of merit on substance and the case is dismissed. 
Step 4 Investigation Committee finds substance in complaint, Report findings to full Board which makes recommendations. 
     Best Solution – Full Board disagrees and case is dismissed. 
Step 5 Investigation Committee finds substance in complaint - Report findings to full Board and makes recommendations. Full Board agrees. 
     Best Solution: - Recommendations are acted upon


Dental Care

The mobile dental clinic generally visits once a year. The dental nurse or her assistant can be reached at other times if required at Huia Range School Clinic, Cole Street, Dannevirke, telephone 374-7361. Dental checks are available for preschoolers.

Emergency Drills

Emergency fire evacuation of the buildings is practised at regular intervals, generally once per term. Teachers are encouraged to practise an earthquake drill once each term also.

In the event of a serious emergency, such as a severe earthquake, children will be held at school until it is safe for parents to collect them. The school is the local Civil Defence Centre and the local volunteer fire brigade is always ready to aid if necessary.



Occasionally younger children may bring toys to school to talk about in class. Otherwise, please do not send them.
Please do not send expensive or fragile items to school as teachers cannot be expected to take responsibility for such items.
Sports and play equipment will be supplied for playtimes during regular school hours.
Ipods, mobile phones are not allowed at school during school hours, nor on buses.  If a student needs to bring a mobile phone, it is required to be handed in to the office before school and collected after school.


Health Centre Nurse

The Norsewood & Districts’ Heath Centre is open two mornings a week from 9am to noon (Mondays & Fridays) and Wednesday afternoon from 1.30pm to 4.30pm. The registered nurse can be contacted on 374 0995.  This is a confidential service.



Please be considerate and co-operative by keeping your children at home if they are ill. It is not advisable to send children to school if they are clearly physically or mentally unwell as it can put other children at risk. If infectious diseases or sores are involved, your doctor should advise as to when a child is able to return to school.   Head lice is also an infectious disease that requires treatment before a child can return to school.


Interschool Sports and Cultural Activities

Our school participates in numerous interschool sports, academic and cultural events throughout the year. Assistance with transport and supervision is often required. Students are selected on merit for most events.  A high standard of behaviour is expected at all events.


Lost Property

As clothing can be easily mislaid and expensive to replace, we recommend clear naming of all clothing.  It is a requirement that all uniform items are named to allow matching up with owners of lost garments with ease. 

There is a “FOUND PROPERTY” box situated outside Room 1 & 2’s bay window area. Students are encouraged to check the box at any interval time and parents may check during these times or after school.



Norsewood & Districts School now has it's own "Lunches For School" Ka Ako Ka Ora programme. Our meals are all prepared on site and we also have a Breakfast programme.


New or Reviewed Policies and Procedures


All new or reviewed policies will be distributed to school families in draft form giving a two week period to submit any relevant ideas in writing for consideration by the Board before ratification. Changes deemed to be cosmetic at review time will not be sent out to parents for consultation.

School Docs  Login: - norsewood   Password: - learning


Medical Attention

The responsibility for seeking medical attention for a sick or injured child is the parents/caregivers. However, there are occasions when parents cannot be contacted, in which case the Office Manager will contact a trained first aid person within the school or if necessary your family doctor, depending on the severity, for bad cuts, possible fractures or concussion. The nearest emergency clinic or hospital will be contacted if necessary.




Newsletters and Notices

A School newsletter will be sent home via the eldest child in the family most Thursday afternoons. If you require the newsletter to be emailed, please notify the office.
 The newsletters will generally include; information about calendar events, student achievements, management guidelines, School Support Group news, student sports’ reports and community notices. Other class notices and NTP’S (notices to parents) will be distributed as the need arises. The newsletter will include samples of children’s writing and class news from time to time.
A district newsletter “District Happenings” is also distributed at the start of each month to all householders in the Norsewood, Ormondville, Makotuku and Te Uri districts. If you would like to put a notice/advertisement in this newsletter or would like to receive a copy if you live outside the distribution area, please contact the Scandi Superette.


Parent Help

We often call on parents/caregivers to help with a variety of activities including sport, library maintenance, educational trips, fund raising and other programmes of work. Please let the school know of any talents, skills or interests you are willing to share with children and teachers or other ways you might like to help.  Your assistance will be most welcome.  We have an open door policy and welcome you in the classrooms or around the schools at anytime.

ssg policy review 2018



Please keep to the marked parking areas. Parking on yellow lines is against the law, as is double parking.

On occasions there will be a need for vehicles to enter the grounds. Only in the event of an emergency or working bee, loading or unloading equipment will vehicles be permitted to enter the grounds. The preferred entrance is via the Thor Street gate next to the swimming pool or the field entrance which is also off Thor Street.

The Bus Bay on Thor Street is for bus parking only.


Pet Day 

All children are encouraged to participate in the annual School Pet Day. ​Some may have pets while others will be involved in class-based aspects.


Photocopying and Laminating

Photocopying (black & white and colour), laminating and binding facilities are available at a minimal cost. Enquire at the school office.


Pre-school Visits

Most children have pre school visits in the term they are due to start school. They come on a Wednesday with their pre school teacher from Country Kids; our local day care.


Protected Disclosure Policy

Procedures for making a protected disclosure under the Protected Disclosures Act 2000.

  1. If on reasonable grounds you believe you have information that a serious wrongdoing is occurring [or may occur]
    within the school and you wish to disclose that information so it can be investigated you can make a protected
    disclosure to the principal.
  2. This can be done verbally or in writing.  You should identify that the disclosure is being made under the Protected
    Disclosures Act and is following the board procedure, provide detail of the complaint [disclosure], and who the
    complaint is against.
  3. If you believe that the principal is involved in the wrongdoing, or has an association with the person committing the wrongdoing that would make it inappropriate to disclose to them, then you can make the disclosure to the
    chairperson of the board of trustees.
  4. It is then up to the person you disclose to, to decide if the disclosure constitutes a serious wrongdoing, and that
    the allegations need investigating.

They can decide:

  1. to investigate the disclosure themselves
  2. to forward the disclosure to the board or a committee of the board to investigate
  3. whether it needs to be passed on to an appropriate authority. If it goes to an appropriate authority they will advise you that they are now investigating the complaint.
  4. If you believe that both the principal and the chairperson of the board of trustees may be a party to the wrongdoing or in close relationship with the person/s involved in the wrongdoing you can approach an external
    "appropriate authority" direct yourself. Who is an "appropriate authority"?
  5. As noted above, in some circumstances the disclosure could be made to an appropriate authority by yourself or the person to whom you have made the disclosure.An appropriate authority is defined in the Act as including:

"(a) includes ---

  1. the Commissioner of Police:
  2. the Controller and Auditor - General:
  3. the Director of the Serious Fraud Office:
  4. the Inspector - General of Intelligence and Security:
    an Ombudsman:
  5. the Parliamentary Commissioner for the Environment:
  6. the Police Complaints Authority:
  7. the Solicitor - General:
  8. the State Services Commissioner:
  9. the Health and Disability Commissioner; and


(b) includes the head of every public sector organisation, whether or not mentioned in paragraph (a)."

  1. Clause (b) can mean that in certain circumstances the appropriate authority could be the Secretary for Education
    of the Ministry of Education or the Chief Review Officer of the Education Review Office (ERO).  Why can't I just go to the appropriate authority myself?
  2. There are three circumstances when you can go directly to the appropriate authority:

a. When you believe that the head of the organisation is also a party to the wrongdoing or has an association with the person which would make it inappropriate for them to investigate.

b. If the matter needs urgent attention or there are other exceptional circumstances.

c. If after 20 working days there has been no action or recommended action on the matter to which the disclosure related.  Otherwise you need to go through the internal processes.  What happens if even the appropriate authority does nothing?

     3. You could then make the disclosure to the Ombudsman [unless they were the authority you have already
         disclosed to] or a Minister of the Crown.
     4. The Act does not protect you if you disclose information to the media or a member of parliament other than a
         Minster of the Crown in the circumstances referred to above. Where can I find out more information?
     5. If you notify the Office of the Ombudsman verbally or in writing, that you have disclosed or are considering a
        disclosure under this Act, they must provide information and guidance on a number of matters including those
        discussed here and the protections and remedies available under the Human Rights Act 1993 if the disclosure
        leads to victimisation.
     6. A copy of the Act can be found at Legislation OnLine.


Rangitoto Day

Rangitoto Day is an annual group event held between Takapau, Sherwood and Norsewood & Districts’ School.     This is hosted alternately by each school.


Reporting on Children’s Progress and Achievements

 on the basis of good quality assessment information
in plain language, in writing, at least twice a year
across the National Curriculum, as expressed in The New Zealand Curriculum 2007 or Te Marautanga o Aotearoa, including in mathematics and literacy, and/or te reo matatini and pangarau.


Saturday Sports and Other Out of School Activities

Involvement in out of school and Saturday sports is encouraged and there are many opportunities available for students to participate.

Sporting activities that are available in Dannevirke include athletics, swimming, gym, rugby, soccer, hockey, netball, basketball and martial arts. The school office has a list of personnel contacts.

Other activities available include ballet, dance, drama and public speaking.

Scholastic Book Club

Approximately twice a term, book order forms are distributed to children. There is no obligation to buy the books. The selections are of good appeal and literary value. Prices are competitive.


School Accounts

School accounts are computerised and sent home, generally once a term. If you need a replacement account or have any queries, please contact Margaret Streater the School’s Office Manager.

If sending money to school, please ensure that it is in an envelope and clearly labelled.  Families may pay a sum in advance if they wish to keep their account in credit.

If any hardship is experienced in paying your account, please contact Angela and discuss it with her.
Arrangements can be made to pay regular instalments by direct debit.


School Photos

Individual, class and family photos are arranged generally on an annual basis.



School House System

Students are placed, at enrolment into a house of Scandinavian origin; (Hovding, Thor, Odin or Erik).  Generally, family members are kept in the same house team.  There are leaders for each house. A points system is used in classrooms for academic achievement and good citizenship. House points are also awarded for merit, Star of the Week, and other certificates. A house treat is given to the winning house at the end of each term.


School Library

Our school is equipped with a wonderful collection of library books. All classes are scheduled a library time regularly for exchange and returns as well as library skills.

We have a number of trained student librarians enabling us to open the library at lunchtimes on some days.

All children are encouraged to treat all books with care. As the school has limited funds, we request reimbursement to cover lost or damaged library books.


School Transport Service

The rules and regulations for bus transport assistance are set by the Education Act 1997.

We insist on sensible bus behaviour. All families are issued with a ‘Bus Routines, Expectations and Rules’ sheet at the start of each new year. The bus controller, currently the Principal, will follow up on any reports from drivers or the Go Bus supervisor. If deemed necessary, the bus controller will either issue warnings or enforce a withdrawal period for any inappropriate behaviour. The general procedure is as follows:

Step 1 First verbal warning - recorded
Step 2 Verbal warning recorded and parents advised
Step 3 Withdrawal period for a set number of days – parents advised
Step 4 Continued repeat offences. Extended withdrawal period
Step 5  Withdrawal period of one school term and/or indefinitely.
The severity of an incident will determine the step placement and therefore withdrawal may be instant.
Please bear in mind that the use of service provided is a privilege not a right.
The three bus routes are under Ministry of Education contract.


School Trips and Activities

During the year children are involved in these.  Parents will be advised of costs and advised that these can be paid or entered onto school accounts.  School Support Group funds most activities and additional curriculum requirements such as classroom resources, Maths Buddy, Reading Eggs, Swimming Transport and Pool Hire, Performers in School and Life Education. 


School Uniform Dress

There is a set standard of dress is required for school and field studies. Refer to the School Uniform Procedure and Uniform Requirements in the appendices section.  All uniform items need to be clearly named. Long hair is to be tied back.   School hats must be worn in Terms 1 and 4. We encourage the wearing of the school beanies during Terms 2 & 3.
On field trips and visits to other schools, children wear the school uniform unless directed otherwise by the lead teacher or Principal. Sports jackets and tops are supplied to students representing Norsewood and Districts School at interschool events. Year 7 & 8 technology students need to wear acceptable clothing and leather shoes as requested by the DHS Technology Centre.
The following jewellery is  allowed ; a wrist watch, small studs – one plain gold, silver or a birthstone, blessed pounamu  (with parental written consent), no other body piercings.
Children do not wear their outside shoes in classrooms.   Students may wear slippers or other suitable indoor footwear in the classroom.

School Uniform


Self - Review

Norsewood & Districts’ School has an ongoing programme of Self Review, ensuring that sound policy and efficient procedures in curriculum, employment, financial and property matters are evident. 


Senior Camp

All Year 7 and Year 8 children attend a Senior Camp, generally scheduled for Term 4 as part of their curriculum and developing key competencies.  Fundraising activities are essential to help cover costs involved.


Social Worker In schools (SWiS)

Norsewood and Districts’ School is able to access the Social Workers in Schools’ Service. The over - arching goal is to enhance life outcomes for children whose social behaviour and sometimes family circumstances cause concern.

Alisa Brown is the social worker employed by the SWIS Service under the umbrella of Dannevirke Family Services. Tane visits school on a regular basis and referrals are made on an individual needs basis. Referrals can be made by parents/caregivers, staff or Principal.

The Principal must be informed of all referrals.
Tane can be contacted on 374 5029 at Dannevirke Family Services, Huia Range School 374 6444, or on his mobile, 027 234 0


Special Lunchtime Play

On special occasions students are allowed to bring small wheels e.g. skateboards, roller blades or scooters to school.  They must wear the necessary protective clothing of helmet, elbow and kneepads to take part.

'Norserush' is supervised on the field by a teacher during two lunchtimes each week. 


Staff Contact

Please arrange a time by contacting the school office or organising directly with a teacher,  if you wish to discuss any matter at length with teaching staff.  Staff certainly welcome a greeting in the morning but cannot discuss children’s progress between from 8.30am – 8.50am as they are greeting children in their classrooms and making final preparations for the day. 

The Principal is usually able to meet with parents and caregivers as needed, but on occasions an appointment time may be necessary    Often a simple enquiry can be answered by the Office Manager. Please don’t be offended if you are asked to make an appointment.


Sun Smart

Our Sun Smart Policy requires children to wear their uniform hats and sun block lotion during Terms 1 & 4.  We encourage the children to eat and play in the shade and to understand the effects of over exposure to the sun. Although the school has a supply of sun block, children are encouraged to be responsible for their own.

If children misplace their hats they will be required to stay in a designated shaded area at break times.


Travel Assistance

Parents are asked to provide transport to and from various events and activities throughout the year. Please assist wherever possible to share the load and at the same time support and share in the children’s learning activities.


Use of School Grounds and Equipment

School community families are encouraged to use the facilities available at school; adventure playground, playing field, tennis/netball/basketball courts and bbq tables. It is an expectation that the facilities will be fully respected.


Use of School Phone

The school telephone lines are not generally for children’s use. However, on occasions children may need to ring home from the school office. 

Wet Days

Inside games and activities are provided for students during wet morning tea and lunchtimes. Classroom teachers supervise their own classes for the first 15 minutes of the lunch break. Occasionally, for various reasons the lunch period may be shortened but the closing time of 2.50pm remains.


Wet Lunch Hour

Inside games and activities are provided for pupils during wet morning tea and lunchtimes. Classroom teachers supervise their own classes for the first 15 minutes of the lunch hour. Occasionally for various reasons the lunch period may be shortened, but the closing time will still remain the same - 2.50pm.


Withdrawal of Students

If you need to withdraw your child from school for any outside activities or under urgent circumstances, the same procedure applies as for absences. The Office Manager needs to know the whereabouts of students during school hours and the reason for the withdrawal.   Any collection of children needs to be communicated via the School Office, not directly to the class teacher.

Working Bees

Working bees will be called for by the Board when the need arises. They are generally arranged for ground and building maintenance work.

Supporters and Sponsors

Parents, please support our local businesses

Gibson & Oliver Cafe Norsewood New Zealand Natural Clothing Norsewood CHB Tank Cleaners GM Panelbeaters
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